25 January 2009
I am feeling extraordinarily radical, so please bear with me. First, some context.
Last fall I joined Daily Kos hoping to contribute to their partisan Democratic Party discussion. I truly wanted to play devil's advocate and stimulate some lively interaction and possibly promote my blog, Shift of Power.
As it turns out I only made three or four diary entries. I realized very quickly that not all, but certainly the vast majority of DKOS participants are historically retarded and naive to the point of extreme credulity. They are venomous and arrogant. I suspect the reason for this is that they are mostly young middle and upper middle-class Caucasians below the age of thirty-five. But I digress.
The point of my DKOS experience is the diary entries. I attempted to employ sarcastic humor in all my writing. DKOS readers were not amused. In my first diary I claimed and offered evidence the BARACK OBAMA IS A LIAR; in my second I claimed and offered proof that OBAMA IS A PHONY, A GREAT BIG PHONY, and in my third diary I stated that it appeared that OBAMA DONS KNEE PADS in order to be comfortable while performing the Lewinsky Love Massage upon the elite minority ruling donor class, and select members of the pseudo-aristocratic Status Quo. I went on to say that Obama had successfully become the perfect Democratic Party whore. I then offered evidence to support my statement and ended by asking a series of questions regarding some of the candidate's most recent actions and statements. This was in mid-September when the bottom began falling away from under our economy during the 700 billion dollar Wall Street rescue.
I received many many responses to each of my entries. Interestingly, the evidence I presented was never challenged and not one of the questions raised was answered. Out of several thousands responses there was no serious issue-oriented comment. I am beginning to think that I now understand why.
From 4 November 2008 through his inauguration 20 January 2009, and since, President Obama continues to reinforce my initial conclusion. At the end of his first very active and busy week our President has said nothing, nor taken any action or signed any order that substantively demonstrates that he is anything other than a liar, a phony, and a perfect Democratic Party whore. I stand by my original assessment of the man.
Now, based on what I have said thus far, what I am going to say next may surprise you. In every DKOS diary entry, and every time I have written about Barack Obama here or elsewhere, I have always supported his rhetoric. I always hoped he would get the nomination, was convinced he would win, and was deeply moved when he did win. Watching the inauguration was emotional and inspiring; and when he took the oath of office (ignoring that Roberts screwed it up) it brought tears to my eyes.
Our nation has done something exceptional. I strongly believe that we, as a people, are greatly enhanced by our act of freely electing a person of color to be our chief executive. I am glad and proud that Barack Obama is our president. Now, he must unequivocally prove his character and worth. He must be a leader and actualize his self-declared values, beliefs, ideas and plans. He must clearly and overtly demonstrate that he is NOT a liar, a phony, or a Democratic Party whore.
And, we must make him. Every citizen needs to become or stay involved. Every citizen needs to stay on Obama's ass like a bad headache and force him to do only what is best for all citizens. We, the average people, have to push President Obama to be a real leader for all the people. He has to keep us well informed, answer our questions, be honest, and most of all he must feel free to tell us who in Congress is preventing the will of the people from being done. If our president will be honest and open with us then we will direct the full force of our pressure and turn our wrath upon anyone in the House of Representatives or Senate that stands in our way. This is called Revolution.
Obama and his campaign started this Revolution and now we must see it through. When I call for Revolution I do not mean violence, killing, and bombings; nor do I mean destruction or chaos. I am fomenting a Revolution of political philosophy, of ideas about the true purpose and function of government, its conduct and activities. I am convinced that the weapons and ammunition for a truly radical Revolution were written into the United States Constitution by the framers. If citizens accept their responsibility and exercise their power to the fullest extent the only way to stop us will be to kill us, and they cannot kill all of us. They may have the guns, but we have the numbers.
There seems to be a general consensus that if we really want change, if we really do want President Obama to succeed, then he will have to be supported and pushed hard from the "bottom." That's us, common people, average working people, the working poor and those in poverty. We also need substantial help from those in the middle-class, as well as the technical and management class. This idea that Obama's success can only happen if there is continual and relentless pressure from the "bottom" is prevalent among a wide variety of informed respectable observers, especially on the liberal left and among progressives. Many conservatives agree.
This is what I mean by Revolution. We, the people must make demands, stand our ground, make no compromise. This is our nation, we the common people are the true source of all power, all wealth, and all the labor that creates it. There are millions more regular people than there are within the elite minority faction ruling class. The truth is without us the powerful and the super wealthy would have nothing.
Revolution is the word. Congress and Obama are the targets. It is the right time to overthrow our bad government and institute a new more effective one. Let us unite, organize, and move en mass to make our nation and President Obama the greatest and most successful in history by doing what is right and best for human progress, prosperity, and happiness by guaranteeing absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for every citizen.
Until next time, Give Peace a chance.
James B. Tinsley, B.A.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
19 January 2009
Hello, again. I have greatly missed my relatively regular communication with readers. When I last posted in mid-November I had no idea it would take until mid-January 2009 to return. I wanted to write, thought frequently about writing, kept intending to write, but to no avail. I was through the looking glass trying to embrace the chaos of reality. My absence and neglect was unexpected and unavoidable.
I truly hope that all who read this had at least some joy and received some memorable benefit in the course of the holiday season just past. I hope that most are well and have, so far, been able to escape the most devastating effects of our nation's relentless economic decline. And, finally, it is my most sincere wish that those who read Shift of Power will think about and will talk with others about the need to break with the past. The United States, citizens and government, must seize the moment and abandon failed systems, processes, and political philosophies. We must create a new government, a new system with a new process that is based upon a new and genuinely different political philosophy.
We must act now! At this point in the new year, at this moment in history, we, the people, are entering a period with much that is new. We are in a new year, we have an historic new president, a new congress, new majority, new hope and new opportunity with tremendous POTENTIAL for substantial change and growth. Conversely, our citizens and nation are also precariously perched on the so-called "tipping-point" regarding many issues on many fronts. The future of our country, our society, and our culture is firmly within our collective grasp.
Every day every week from one year to the next, evidence demonstrating the inexorable deterioration and decline of the United States continues to mount. As it does, I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the only best hope is government exclusively devoted to human needs along with equal status, privileges, and rights for ALL citizens by ethical conduct. This means that our nation and citizens will be required to stand up and finish the Revolution inspired and organized by Barack Obama. We have to demand that President Obama REFUSE to compromise our health care and education; and we must make him make congress insist that all citizens, all corporations, all who are economically prosperous, including religious and so-called non-profit institutions, pay an equal share of taxes through Equal Taxation. All citizens must be willing to insist upon themselves and their fellow Americans to willingly give a period of service to America.
If the United States is to be the nation of life, liberty, justice, and equality. If we, the people, are truly the sole source from which our government derives it's just power. If our leaders and system of government is honestly the benefactor of, and dependent upon, the consent of the governed. If any of these things are true, and if the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, then it is not only our responsibility it is our duty, our obligation, and our right to overthrow a bad government.
As United States citizens we do not have a choice. We are required to rid ourselves and our posterity of ineffective leaders and failed policies in order to institute a better more responsive system of government. The election of Barack Obama is only the first small act toward this end. Do not forget that he, and the new majority in congress, are DEMOCRATS. They owe many favors to many interests and, more than anything, their overriding desire is maintaining their power and position. Political parties will not and cannot significantly change the structure or direction of America. Only the American people have the ability and power to do that. So, unless enough of the people are willing to force President Obama and the new congress to work for, legislate for, and create policy for people instead of property, profit, power, and position this momentary condition of hope and national unity will pass without the desperately needed change we voted for and were promised.
Throughout 2009, and for the remainder of my lifetime, I will redouble my effort and continue striving to explain a new system and process of government, Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government. It is a political philosophy that will allow us to do what has never been done, or even honestly attempted in the history of human civilization. I will endeavor to demonstrate the fundamental truth and benefit of embracing and adopting Humanistic Equalism as the foundation and basis for a new system and process of government.
Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government provides the means for a system and process wherein human progress, prosperity, and happiness are the primary concern and reason for government to exist. It contains the philosophical building blocks for a system and process that puts in place and guarantees absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for EVERY citizen. And, Humanistic Equalism will lead to unqualified ethical conduct within and by every aspect of our federal government.
I have no doubt in my mind or heart that, as of this moment in history with respect to the development of human intellect and the advance of civilization, Humanism and absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for all citizens is the best and most obvious path. In the history of human civilization it has never been done and, so far, all systems of government have failed; all nations, all empires have fallen. Our nation, our "empire" is decaying rapidly and new ones are on the horizon. It is a natural fact that everything eventually dies, but the question Americans must answer is, "Is it time for the United States of America to die?"
There is, and can be, no argument that our country has been, and is currently in a state of rapid decay, that our eventual decline and death is accelerating. To arrest this process, to revitalize and reinvigorate our entire country will only become a real possibility when we, the people, and our institutions of government make human progress, prosperity, and happiness with absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for all citizens through ethical conduct our primary aim and purpose.
I hope that readers will contribute to this discussion. I invite readers to make comments, to tell others about these ideas, to share this blog, and, most of all, to return soon for more. Till next time, Give Peace a chance.
James B. Tinsley, B. A.
Hello, again. I have greatly missed my relatively regular communication with readers. When I last posted in mid-November I had no idea it would take until mid-January 2009 to return. I wanted to write, thought frequently about writing, kept intending to write, but to no avail. I was through the looking glass trying to embrace the chaos of reality. My absence and neglect was unexpected and unavoidable.
I truly hope that all who read this had at least some joy and received some memorable benefit in the course of the holiday season just past. I hope that most are well and have, so far, been able to escape the most devastating effects of our nation's relentless economic decline. And, finally, it is my most sincere wish that those who read Shift of Power will think about and will talk with others about the need to break with the past. The United States, citizens and government, must seize the moment and abandon failed systems, processes, and political philosophies. We must create a new government, a new system with a new process that is based upon a new and genuinely different political philosophy.
We must act now! At this point in the new year, at this moment in history, we, the people, are entering a period with much that is new. We are in a new year, we have an historic new president, a new congress, new majority, new hope and new opportunity with tremendous POTENTIAL for substantial change and growth. Conversely, our citizens and nation are also precariously perched on the so-called "tipping-point" regarding many issues on many fronts. The future of our country, our society, and our culture is firmly within our collective grasp.
Every day every week from one year to the next, evidence demonstrating the inexorable deterioration and decline of the United States continues to mount. As it does, I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the only best hope is government exclusively devoted to human needs along with equal status, privileges, and rights for ALL citizens by ethical conduct. This means that our nation and citizens will be required to stand up and finish the Revolution inspired and organized by Barack Obama. We have to demand that President Obama REFUSE to compromise our health care and education; and we must make him make congress insist that all citizens, all corporations, all who are economically prosperous, including religious and so-called non-profit institutions, pay an equal share of taxes through Equal Taxation. All citizens must be willing to insist upon themselves and their fellow Americans to willingly give a period of service to America.
If the United States is to be the nation of life, liberty, justice, and equality. If we, the people, are truly the sole source from which our government derives it's just power. If our leaders and system of government is honestly the benefactor of, and dependent upon, the consent of the governed. If any of these things are true, and if the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, then it is not only our responsibility it is our duty, our obligation, and our right to overthrow a bad government.
As United States citizens we do not have a choice. We are required to rid ourselves and our posterity of ineffective leaders and failed policies in order to institute a better more responsive system of government. The election of Barack Obama is only the first small act toward this end. Do not forget that he, and the new majority in congress, are DEMOCRATS. They owe many favors to many interests and, more than anything, their overriding desire is maintaining their power and position. Political parties will not and cannot significantly change the structure or direction of America. Only the American people have the ability and power to do that. So, unless enough of the people are willing to force President Obama and the new congress to work for, legislate for, and create policy for people instead of property, profit, power, and position this momentary condition of hope and national unity will pass without the desperately needed change we voted for and were promised.
Throughout 2009, and for the remainder of my lifetime, I will redouble my effort and continue striving to explain a new system and process of government, Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government. It is a political philosophy that will allow us to do what has never been done, or even honestly attempted in the history of human civilization. I will endeavor to demonstrate the fundamental truth and benefit of embracing and adopting Humanistic Equalism as the foundation and basis for a new system and process of government.
Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government provides the means for a system and process wherein human progress, prosperity, and happiness are the primary concern and reason for government to exist. It contains the philosophical building blocks for a system and process that puts in place and guarantees absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for EVERY citizen. And, Humanistic Equalism will lead to unqualified ethical conduct within and by every aspect of our federal government.
I have no doubt in my mind or heart that, as of this moment in history with respect to the development of human intellect and the advance of civilization, Humanism and absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for all citizens is the best and most obvious path. In the history of human civilization it has never been done and, so far, all systems of government have failed; all nations, all empires have fallen. Our nation, our "empire" is decaying rapidly and new ones are on the horizon. It is a natural fact that everything eventually dies, but the question Americans must answer is, "Is it time for the United States of America to die?"
There is, and can be, no argument that our country has been, and is currently in a state of rapid decay, that our eventual decline and death is accelerating. To arrest this process, to revitalize and reinvigorate our entire country will only become a real possibility when we, the people, and our institutions of government make human progress, prosperity, and happiness with absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for all citizens through ethical conduct our primary aim and purpose.
I hope that readers will contribute to this discussion. I invite readers to make comments, to tell others about these ideas, to share this blog, and, most of all, to return soon for more. Till next time, Give Peace a chance.
James B. Tinsley, B. A.
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