Monday, June 16, 2008


16 June 2008

And so it goes. This past weekend(13 June-thru 15 June 2008) two men I thought of as friends died. NBC "Meet The Press" anchor, Tim Russert, experienced a fatal heart attack; Dr. Dennis Fecher was diagnosed with lung cancer in November 2007. One friend, Dennis Fecher, I knew intimately and for nearly thirty years; the other, Tim Russert, I knew only as millions of viewers over the past seventeen years have known him, as an honest reliable man. Dennis Fecher was a person of great intellect, of science and reason; Tim Russert also possessed a high degree of intellect, was a man of religious faith and reason. I will miss them both for vastly different reasons; one I only met with vicariously, the other I hugged goodbye when parting company last Saturday afternoon 14 June 2008. Because both of these men were an ongoing source of inspiration, encouragement, and challenge, because both men were given to promote human progress, the improvement of government and life, and most importantly, to a better quality of living; because the people that know these two men testify as to their exuberance for family, work and to living every minute of evry day, I wish to dedicate this posting regarding the definition of Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government.
In loving memory of Dr. Dennis R. Fecher and Tim Russert.

HUMANISTIC EQUALISM:(noun) Philosophy, system, and process concerning the ethical conduct of government within society arising from the intrinsic inherent value and dignity of human life conjoined with absolute equality.
A philosophy of politics and government reasoned as follows:
Given that, within a societal context, the value and dignity of citizens' lives are intrinsic, inherent and inarguable. And, given that within the same societal context, the benefit gained and value added by guaranteeing absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights to all citizens is undeniable. It may therefore be concluded that a philosophy, system, and process of government based exclusively on human progress and absolute equality must of necessity be an ethical government.

In other words, if the philosophical underpinnings of a government system and process are focused entirely on that which will enhance and improve the lives and living conditions of all citizens; and if government "sees" and deals with every citizen absolutely equally, then the end result must be a government that is truly ethical in all its function, activity and conduct.

I realize that it is hard to believe, but in all of human history there has never been a government system or any kind of controlling authority or body created and instituted based first and foremost on people and equality. No known government in all the annals of mankind ever elevated the people over property, profit, power, and position. Not one.

Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government is a genuinely new proposal for politics and government. Others, such as Locke, Hume, and Rousseau, assert the "social contract," the citizens' real value, and the need for those governed to give consent along with the tremendous amount of power they possess; but none go so far as to say that the only acceptable reason for and purpose of government is the progress and prosperity of its citizens. And I have not found any evidence that guaranteeing absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights to ALL citizens has ever been seriously discussed with regard to the way government treats the people it serves. In fact, the idea of government serving citizens in any form or fashion is only as old as the United States of America.
I submit that Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government is the next logical adaptation in the evolutionary process concerning systems of government. I would like to know any thoughts someone may have and encourage all to make a comment. More to come soon. Give Peace a chance.
James B. Tinsley, B.A.

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