Monday, November 17, 2008


17 November 2008
Irrespective of our electing the first president of color in the person of Barack Obama, the United States of America has been and is the most consistently racist society in modern history. Our collective racism goes beyond Black and White. It extends to so-called "immigrants" and "illegal aliens." And, though it is only slightly different because the bigotry and discrimination is directed at a class of citizen, the treatment of homosexuals is essentially another manifestation of racism in America. Racism and racist behavior will not end or even necessarily diminish as a result of the election of Barack Obama.
In order to clearly understand how adopting Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government as the underlying philosophical foundation for a new government will effect issues of race, immigration, bigotry and discrimination it is necessary to consider their source and purpose. By source I mean, where do these ideas originate; by purpose I mean why are these ideas employed, embellished, and perpetuated, by whom and for what benefit. Simply stated, the source is Christian orthodoxy and the purpose is to divide, conquer, and control.
As to the source, Christian orthodoxy. Admittedly there has been, and still are, many sincere and good self-proclaimed Christian believers, and various worthwhile organizations and groups affiliated with Christian denominations. This number, however, is a relatively small percentage when compared to the total number of so-called Christian believers. The point is that, yes, there are some Christians that have always tried to do the Human thing but, there have always been many more that do exactly as they believe the Bible commands them to do.
Throughout its history the Bible has been, and still is used to rationalize, justify, support and uphold the most cruel and inhumane treatment and conduct by humans upon others. Though there may be some argument on this point it cannot be denied. Christianity was adopted by "White" people and is still considered to be the "White man's religion." This fact alone is ample proof that Christian orthodoxy is the original source of the ideas, attitudes, and actions associated with race, racism, bigotry and discrimination.
I should state that, although in the United States Christian orthodoxy is the key source race, racism, bigotry and discrimination is common to and cultivated by all developed religions. In other words, racism is a product of all religion. Consequently, the degree of racist expression and conduct within a given society will will be directly proportionate to the extent that a society's primary religion influences it's government.
What is the purpose of racism, bigotry, and discrimination? What does racism achieve, and who benefits?
From its inception the primary purpose of racism and racist behavior has been to create the " other" - the "them" of "us and them." Once this potential threat to the well-being of the majority, or status quo, is in place the general population can then be further subdivided. By dividing the citizens into smaller factions, then playing them off each other, an elite ruling minority faction exerts authority. It is well known and well understood that a most effective means to quiet dissent, quash rebellion, and control the mass of citizens is to keep them divided and agitated against each other. The more divisions that can be created the easier to manipulate the individual factions.
When this has been accomplished and a nation's population is divided against itself that nation has, for all intents and purposes, been conquered. The obvious next step is to control that which has been conquered. Racism, bigotry, discrimination and racist conduct sanctioned or ignored by government has proven to be entirely sufficient to effect control and oppression. I am not revealing anything new, or that is not well known by most people and thoroughly understood by the ruling class.
Division and fear have been, and continue to be, the moving principles of every government that has existed in human history- including the United States of America. The premise of every government in human history has been a variety of things. Such as, absolute power, expansion, wealth, resources, and God to name a few. There has never been a notable system of government that existed solely for the progress. prosperity, and happiness of all citizens. There has never been a government in human history that had as its moving principle absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights for all citizens.
Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government establishes a philosophical foundation for just such a government. Humanistic Equalism defines and describes a system and process by which such a government can be instituted and maintained. With the system and process provided by Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government racism, racist behavior, bigotry and discrimination would be eliminated with regard to our federal government. In other words, all citizens recognized by our United States Constitution would be given and treated with absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights by the United States Government.
In concluding this discussion of race, racism, and racist behavior- what this is, where it came from, why it is used, and who benefits. I wish to make clear that I do firmly believe that our election of Barack Obama is both in act, and in fact, a tremendous and severe blow to the elite minority faction ruling status quo. I am also just as firmly convinced that for Barack Obama to do what his supporters believe that they elected him to do will require constant and unbearable pressure from average American citizens. In other words, unless we, the people, make Obama, make the House and Senate act differently- make the changes- they will not. Obama's campaign of change rests entirely with us.
This land is your land, this land is my land...Until next time, Give peace a chance.
James B. Tinsley, B.A.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


1 November 2008

In less than 72 hours on 4 November 2008 qualified citizens will have an opportunity to participate in the act that defines democracy. Americans will essentially vote for one of the two ruling parties candidates. Some that cannot bring themselves to vote for the "lesser of two evils" will vote for a third party candidate. We are told that every election is important, that every vote counts and that it is our duty. In the United States we cast our votes and hope that among those we elect there is someone with the answer, someone that can and will bring about real and lasting change. That hope is especially strong this year.

The election of 2008 is in fact truly special and historic. Yet, in spite of this, in spite of the overwhelming and undeniable desire among the majority of citizens for substantial even radical change of direction and priorities, purpose and policies our history and the evidence suggests that all our hope is futile. I submit that neither Democrats nor Republicans are willing or capable of resolving America's problems including the course of its decline. Our only genuine hope lies with people, not political parties.

The key element that makes this election potentially the most historic in our nation's history is race. It is very likely, and I believe almost certain that we will elect a man of color as our next president. Though Barack Obama is the product of a Caucasian woman and an African man, he is considered and has presented himself as the first "African-American" nominated by one of the ruling political parties. It is only fitting that I address the issue of race as it now is and how Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy of Ethical Government can eliminate the negative connotation of race within our racist nation.

I must start by admitting that discussing this topic is difficult for me. Though not for the reasons that may first come to mind. Ironically, the two biggest reasons would, at first glance, seem to be directly contrary to one another. The first most basic explanation as to why the racial point is perplexing for me is that I forget about it. I know that race and its product of racism is, quite frankly, bullshit!

Race, as we associate and define it today, is a malicious artificial construct . It is used as a means of dividing, manipulating, and dominating our citizens and policy. Because I have known this for years I do not play "skin-games."

For example, using the term "black" exclusively in relation to people of African heritage, and the term "white" exclusively in relation to Anglos and Europeans. I do not know the experience of anyone reading this but, although I do know some "black" people, I do not know any "white" people. I have seen pictures of people born with Albinism, but they are rare and certainly not the norm.

The vast overwhelming majority of human beings are neither black, nor white. Nearly all human beings are some different shade of brown –from pale beige to blue-black. Any time I fill out a form that inquires about race, I always check the "other" box and write in Caucasian; ‘cause I ain’t white.

I am, as they say, colorblind. When I observe another person I do not recognize any color. I see a human being first, then a male or female being. Any further refinement of my perception of this person will be determined by their actions and how they define themselves. In short, because there is only one species of human beings, race is irrelevant and immaterial.

The second reason it is difficult for me to engage the topic of race is the fact that race and racism distorts everything in America. This undeniable fact means that it cannot be ignored or tolerated. Race and diversity is at the core of our nation’s history. It is at once our greatest asset and the biggest source of national shame.

There is not a country in world history in which race and racism has been more important, for so long a time, as the United States. So, this topic is difficult for me because on a personal level I reject it. I do not acknowledge or empower it in any way. Yet, because race is so entangled with everything that happens in the United States. Because race and racism is in our nation's DNA, so to speak, it must be confronted. Unless there is a shift of power in the United States we will continue to be victimized by our own ignorance. My objective is to demonstrate that Humanistic Equalism government can and will redefine race and racism with regard to bureaucracy and its function.

Slavery has always existed in some form and still exists in our country and throughout the world. Slavery was not always connected to or associated with race or skin color. Slavery was an important element of exploration and colonial expansion beginning in the late 1400’s. By the mid-1600’s Africans were the hottest item and biggest seller on the slave market. Wealthy slave traders and their pious peers were quick to point out that Africans are sub-human heathens and Christian duty mandated that their souls should be saved.

The Bible and the Christian God dictated that the best way to save the black African and the American savage, to please the Lord, was to steal babes suckling at their mother’s breast, separate entire families, and then sell these godless savages to good Christians to be shackled, saved and subjected to subservience and abuse for the rest of their lives. Because of their obvious natural inferiority, apparent by their physical differences, Africans have a God-given suitability for slavery. At least that was, and in many cases still is the primary justification for bigotry and racism.

Physical features of different groups became the markers or symbols justifying their low position on the scale of social systems. Subsequent race ideology promoted the belief that the social, spiritual, moral, and intellectual inequality of different groups was, like other traits, natural, innate, inherited, and unalterable. This facilitated the creation of the only slave system in the world that became exclusively racial.
However, perpetual servitude was limited to Africans and their descendants. This means that blacks will remain at the bottom of the social hierarchy forever. Slavery and racism were sanctified by God and Christian creed then legitimized by our United States Constitution.

Segregating black Africans and native Americans from whites and outlawing marriage between whites and people of color ensured that the color of one's skin, the visible physical differences are the key indicator of unequal social status. Race as we know and define it today has, from its inception, been about separateness and inequality. The inferior status indicated by race was eventually applied to free blacks and others. Thus the autonomous new mechanism of social differentiation went beyond slavery and has persisted as the primary form of social and class identity.

The status quo and elite minority ruling faction depend on the division that race and racism produce to help them stay in power and control the average citizen. This condition of manipulation and oppression will continue to bring and keep our nation in shame unless it is stopped. And, even though many ignorant individuals in our society, especially orthodox Christians and fundamentalists, will always be bigoted against other races our government must not. We, the people, must revolt and demand a new system and process of government. A government of Humanistic Equalism that acts to guarantee absolutely equal status, privileges, and rights to every citizen treating none as special or different. Humanistic Equalism: Philosophy for Ethical Government is the best hope we have of creating a system and process of government capable of achieving this standard.

Next time I will conclude this discussion of race. Regardless of the fact that nothing substantial or truly radical will change as a result of this election, please please go out and vote. Exercise your right, live up to your responsibility, and fulfil your obligation as a citizen of the United States. Until we meet again, Give Peace a chance.
James B. Tinsley, B.A.
